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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD
**Closure of my websites askdrray.com and nethealthbook.com**

These websites will be taken down on **April 30, 2025** and no further updates will be provided.
I hope you enjoyed the content of these websites. You can continue to read Dr. Schilling’s blogs which I publish daily on Quora

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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD

Research about Side Effects of the AstraZeneca Vaccine

Research about side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine revealed some worrisome facts. An article that appeared in the German “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” explained that people should not worry about the vaccine.

The heading of the article was:” People no longer have to be afraid of the AstraZeneca-Vaccine.” But subsequently it describes how vaccinating with the AstraZeneca vaccine against Covid-19 developed blood clots in some people. Researchers at the University of Greifswald examined 7 cases where following the vaccine blood clots developed.  Dr. Andreas Greinacher is Head of the department of Transfusion Medicine in Greifswald, Germany. He said that blood clots are extremely rare following vaccinations. The 7 people who did form clots in sinuses (big vein structures) of the brain had all antibodies against platelets. Normally platelets help with hemostasis for wounds, but when specific antibodies bind to platelets, they can cause blood clots.

Research about side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine identified blood clots as a problem

The Greifswald medical team said that they know how to treat this blood clot condition when it occurs. They are using blood clot dissolving medication like heparin and warfarin to dissolve the clots. But if this treatment is not instituted right away, the patient could get a stroke or pulmonary emboli, which is a life-threatening condition. Normal minor side effects of the vaccine occur on the first and second day after the vaccination. If blood clots appear in brain veins, symptoms of severe headaches develop on day 4 or 5 following the vaccination. Other patients might develop a painful leg due to a blood clot in the leg veins. If this should happen, the patient must present immediately at the emergency department of a hospital. Physicians will start anticoagulation therapy right away. The 7 patients who developed blood clots did so between day 5 and 14 following the AstraZeneca vaccination.

European decision to reinstate the AstraZeneca vaccine

The European Medical Agency stated that the benefits would outweigh the risks of the AstraZeneca vaccine. They recommended reinstatement of vaccinations with the vaccine. However, there remain problems with the vaccine. First, the effectiveness of the vaccine was initially determined to be 79%, but retesting showed it is only 76%. Next the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut that monitors complications of medical procedures in all of Germany determined 31 cases of blood clots. 9 patients died from them.

Interestingly, the EMA has reversed their opinion about the AstraZeneca vaccine on April 6, 2021 as can be seen from this press statement. Now they are saying that there is a clear association between the vaccine and rare blood clots in the brain.

In the US the CDC and FDA have not approved the AstraZeneca vaccine. The CDC also said that the Johnson-Johnson’s vaccine should be put on hold until a re-examination of the blood clot issue is clarified.


The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are pure RNA vaccines that are known to have very few complication rates. Researchers stated that only very few people develop clots in their brain or leg veins. They also stated that the majority of people benefit from the AstraZeneca vaccine. This is a simplification. There are other vaccines that doctors can use as alternatives that do not produce clots. It would be better to ask why there is clot formation with the AstraZeneca Vaccine!

The AstraZeneca vaccine contains a DNA adenovirus

The AstraZeneca vaccine contains remnants of a DNA virus, namely an adenovirus. Researchers added the gene for the coronavirus spike protein to the DNA adenovirus.

The DNA shell from the adenovirus helps to protect the vaccine at fridge temperatures, which increases the shelf life of the vaccine. But as with other DNA vaccines there are more complications possible. Researchers reviewed this  question already 10 years ago.

In the end we are still faced with RNA vaccines against Coved-19 that work, versus a DNA vaccine that has possible complications with blood clots. I for one would not accept anything else but an RNA vaccine that does not have the clot formation side effect. I feel that the authorities should stop the AstraZeneca vaccine for now. The researchers should carry out further studies to see whether improvements can make the vaccine safer.

Research about Side Effects of the AstraZeneca Vaccine

Research about Side Effects of the AstraZeneca Vaccine


The AstraZeneca vaccine contains a deactivated DNA adenovirus. Researchers added the gene for the coronavirus spike protein to the adenovirus. This is a completely different approach from the RNA vaccines that do not have these side effects. The fact that some patients developed blood clots is likely explainable on the grounds that they received a DNA vaccine. In my opinion the authorities released the AstraZeneca vaccine prematurely. They should put a hold on this vaccine until scientists can develop improvements to the vaccine. In the meantime, people should receive the safer RNA vaccines.

To continue vaccinating with AstraZeneca vaccine is unacceptable

I disagree that governments allow a vaccine that has serious complication rates for which doctors offer anticoagulation therapy. It is only a matter of time that a few deaths occur, because the blood clots escaped diagnosis. The company has now renamed the vaccine as Vaxzevria. This seems to be a move of AstraZeneca to move away from the complications of the AstraZeneca vaccine. This does nothing to help solve the problem with the blood clots that don’t only occur “in a few cases”. We are dealing with a serious side effect, and you should ask yourself the question, whether it is worth the risk.

Incoming search terms:


Home Monitoring Works For Patients On Blood Thinner

The standard treatment for patients with risks for blood clots is a prescription for the medication called warfarin. Patients who suffered a stroke or who have atrial fibrillation will receive this drug, as do individuals who have a mechanical heart valve. Following pulmonary emboli blood thinners are also required for a period of time. Even though warfarin is a medication that has been in use for several decades, there are important guidelines. Warfarin is a blood thinner, and it is imperative that the blood values of the patients are closely monitored. Too much warfarin could lead to disastrous bleeding, whereas too little medication can lead to blood clots. Both conditions can be life threatening. As a result, patients who are taking warfarin have to present for blood tests on a weekly basis at a lab. Managing proper coagulation may become less cumbersome in future, as a trial that was run at 28 Veteran Affairs medical centers has shown. Tests enrolled 3,644 patients who required warfarin, and they received training in using a home monitor, which took about 30 minutes. They used the home monitoring device for 2 to 3 weeks, after which they returned to their local center for assessment, how successfully they had monitored their INR level.

Monitoring INR at home



The results were encouraging: 2,922 patients-80% of the original group showed that they could successfully handle home monitoring, either by themselves or with the help of a caregiver. They would phone in their test results on a weekly basis and would receive instructions by phone for dosage adjustment. The advantage for the patient is the fact, that they become more involved and empowered in their own care and show more engagement towards their health.

More information on:

1. Atrial fibrillation: http://nethealthbook.com/cardiovascular-disease/heart-disease/irregular-heart-beats/atrial-fibrillation/

2. Pulmonary emboli: http://nethealthbook.com/lung-disease/pulmonary-emboli/

The Home INR Study (THINRS , Presented at the Annual American Heart Association Meeting, New Orleans, Nov. 8 to 12, 2008

Last updated Nov. 6, 2014


Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies have stood the test of time, and today roughly 80% of the world’s population relies on traditional medicines for primary health care needs. Herbal remedies and their efficacy have been confirmed in research, but nevertheless caution is necessary.
Not all herbal preparations are equal. Herb potency can differ due to growing and storage conditions. Toxic contaminants can be present in herbal preparations, and the best way to ensure a quality product is to purchase a product from a quality controlled source.

Anybody using herbal products should bear in mind that “natural” does not mean “harmless”. Many plants like catnip, juniper, lobelia, jimson weed, wormwood and nutmeg can inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system significantly and cause severe hallucinogenic effects. Patients with allergies to asters, chrysanthemums and ragweed should avoid teas from goldenrod, marigold, yarrow, St. John’s Wort and chamomile, as there is the possibility of cross-reactivity. Comfrey, which is a commonly used folk remedy in Europe and North America, has been shown to contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which causes liver damage and cancer in animals and in humans.
There is a common notion that herbal teas that are used as laxatives would be entirely safe. Unfortunately it is not as simple as that. The continued use of cathartics (herbs that are laxatives) can be dangerous, as they cause a dependency or the so-called lazybowel problem.
If herbs are used it is important to be vigilant to negative interactions with medications. St. John’s Wort interferes with cyclosporin, digoxin, epileptic drugs and indinavir. Gingko should be used with caution by patients who are on warfarin (a blood thinner) because it can cause excessive bleeding. Deaths have been associated with the use of ephedra.
It is also of importance that herbal remedies should not been taken during pregnancy, unless the safety of taking them has been assured. To get qualified information the consumer should beware of flashy headlines promising miracle cures and seek the advice from a licensed health professional who is properly trained in the prescription of herbs.

Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

It is also of importance to mention the use of herbal medications along with other medications that are used in order to assure the therapeutic benefits for the patients who uses them.

Reference: The Canadian Journal Of Diagnosis, January 2006,page 35 and 36

Last edited December 6, 2012