
Dialysis At Home Now Possible

Kidney failure and the need for dialysis has been a burden that many patients had to live with in the past. Invariably the quality of life would suffer, as every week brought trips to the hospital and a four-hour hook-up to the dialysis machine there. The times of travel or recreation were usually a thing of the past, as dialysis took precedence over other things.

Dr. Stephen Korbet, professor of nephrology at Rush Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago has been using a new dialysis device to stable chronic patients since 2003.The 33 cm machine called Nx Stage System One has some significant advantages over the conventional machines. The treatment is done on a daily basis for 2 hours. There is better clearance of potassium and phosphates, and there seem to be fewer side effects. The system is portable, can also be taken on trips, and no special water processing or electrical requirements are needed. Those who wish to use the system have to be medically stable and train for two weeks with a partner who can assist with set-up and watch for adverse effect.

Dialysis At Home Now Possible

Dialysis At Home Now Possible

The Nx Stage System One offers the patient freedom and independence. At this point it is not yet available in Canada.

More information on pyelonephritis, which can lead to kidney failure:

Reference: The Medical Post, April 26,2005,page 45

Last edited October 28, 2014