• Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    A CNN review article noted that anti-inflammatory diets improve inflammation. This is important for medical conditions that also have inflammation attached to it. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or chronic kidney disease all carry inflammation with them. But according to a 2019 study more than 50% of … [Read More...]

  • Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    An article in the medical journal “Medical News Today” found that ultraprocessed food leads to premature aging. What are ultraprocessed foods? The NOVA Food Classification System explains what ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) are and what other ones are not. Examples of ultraprocessed foods are: fatty, sweet, savory … [Read More...]

  • Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Most people know about statins to treat high cholesterol, but they do not have vital information about cholesterol drugs. Recently an article appeared in CNN, which was very informative. In the following I will review what is new about cholesterol lowering drugs. PCSK9 inhibitors, which are monoclonal … [Read More...]

  • Common Chemicals Affecting your Health

    Common Chemicals Affecting your Health

    There are common chemicals affecting your health that have been known since the 1950’s. They have the name PFAS, which stands for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. There was a review article recently in CNN describing the complexity of PFAS, the toxicity, and what you can do to improve your risk. People … [Read More...]

  • Cardiovascular Risk Markers Predict Heart Attacks and Strokes

    Cardiovascular Risk Markers Predict Heart Attacks and Strokes

    An article in The New England Journal of Medicine stated that cardiovascular risk markers predict heart attacks and strokes. A summary of this study was also published by NBC News. 30-year follow-up of the Women’s Health Study This is based on a 30-year follow-up study of the Women’s Health Study. In the beginning … [Read More...]

  • Red Meat and Processed Meat Can Become a Cause of Diabetes

    Red Meat and Processed Meat Can Become a Cause of Diabetes

    A clinical study at the end of 2023 showed that red meat and processed meat can become a cause of diabetes. The authors published the results of this study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on December 2023. Results of the study Notably, the study consisted of several pooled studies. To emphasize, … [Read More...]


    Doctor Recommended Diet Against Obesity

    After overindulging over the holidays, new years resolutions often have diets and life style choices high on the list.
    These concerns are not something new. Doctors have had concerns about heart disease, diabetes, bulging waistlines and elevated cholesterol. For over three decades there have been concerns that elevated insulin levels may be associated with heart disease, and the constellation of symptoms was called “syndrome X” and later the “insulin resistance syndrome”.

    Most recently the evils that are associated with body fat have been called the “metabolic syndrome”.The problem has assumed epidemic proportions: by 2001, 30% of US adults were considered obese with a body mass index of over 30, and 50% were overweight with a body mass index over 25. The form of type 2 diabetes (the adult onset of the disease) is predicted to double in the next 20 years. Physicians are reporting that they are seeing increasing numbers of children who are obese and suffer of type 2 diabetes. The major concern with an accumulation of body fat is the area of the abdomen (think of the “apple shape” with fat around the abdomen). This visceral fat tissue is not just innocently sitting there stopping you from closing buttons and zippers. It is very metabolically active and the substances it releases are a threat to your health. These fat cells secret pro-inflammatory substances called “cytokines.”

    They also form substances that influence blood-clotting, factors that increase insulin resistance, substances like angiotensin, which are signing responsible for high blood pressure as well. Among the host of damaging substances is also the C-reactive protein, which is recognized as a risk factor for heart disease.

    Doctor Recommended Diet Against Obesity

    Doctor Recommended Diet Against Obesity

    There is only one solution: to reduce the risk, excessive weight has to be shed. A sensible diet to achieve that goal has to contain less saturated fat, more fiber, and low glycemic index carbohydrates. Proper dietary habits are only one part. The other as important measure is life style intervention, which includes 2.5 to 3 hours of moderate exercise per week.
    Many of the current diets promise weight loss without compromising health. All of them promote weight loss, provided they are strictly adhered to.
    The high protein diets (Atkins, Protein Power Plan) are useful for rapid initial weight loss, however due to the overload of protein long term use is highly questionable. Kidney dysfunction as a consequence is a threat to health and no benefit at all!
    Moderate carbohydrate diets, moderate fat, as well as moderate protein will remain the answer for long-term life style changes. It is also of significance that the glycemic index of carbohydrates plays a major role. Food intake, which favors carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, is associated with less heart disease. It has also been documented that insulin levels are more stable. Low glycemic carbohydrates include most vegetables, beans, lentils, as well as fruit like apples, pears and oranges. In contrast, high glycemic carbohydrates result in a fast insulin release, which ultimately leads to insulin resistance. Among these items are potatoes, crackers and other flour products, rice, puffed or flaked breakfast cereals, and tropical fruit (papayas, pineapple, melons).

    For short-term dieters, it is an option to embark on any of the current diets without deleterious effects, no matter whether they are high-carb or low-carb. But at this point only the diets with moderate carbohydrates have shown to have some benefits on heart health.
    Ultimately the wiser choice is to consume foods with a low to moderate glycemic index, by increasing the intake of vegetable proteins and oils and by choosing increased servings of vegetables and fruit instead of highly processed items. So, when you next walk through your supermarket, remember that most of the good stuff is in the periphery, namely the area where all the fresh, unprocessed or minimally processed foods are found.

    More info about Mediterranean diet: http://nethealthbook.com/news/mediterranean-diet-benefits-us-workers/

    Reference: Metabolic Syndrome Rounds, Oct. 2004, Vol. 2, Issues 8, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto/On/Canada

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

    Dr. Diane M. Harper, a lead researcher from Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire has called the results of a vaccination trial against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) “extremely exciting and encouraging”. A simple vaccination against this virus, which is the cause for cancer of the cervix, has the potential to eradicate the vast majority of cervical cancers worldwide.
    The injection in the study was tested on 1,113 women between the ages 15 and 25 over an 18-month period. One hundred percent of the patients of the vaccinated group escaped persistent infection.

    The protection against initial HPV- infection was at 92 %.
    At this point a much larger trial is set to begin, before the vaccination can be licensed for general use. It will very likely soon be a routine vaccination for young women. If it is successful, it will be a powerful tool for prevention and will save thousands of lives that otherwise would be lost to cervical cancer. Even for those patients who dread shots, a needle prick will be a small price to pay.

    Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

    Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

    More info on cervical cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/cervical-cancer/

    Comment on Nov. 7, 2012: In the meantime the vaccine has been introduced into the school vaccination program of many countries around the world, but mostly concentrating on the female population.  In Australia the vaccine is given to boys aged 9 to 15 and girls.  The two main brand names are Gardasil and Cervarix. Here is a detailed medical review from Great Britain.

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    PSA Screening For Prostate Cancer Not Obsolete

    Like with any test there are false positive results, and the blood test called PSA (short for Prostate Specific Antigen) has received some criticism as a result. Negative comments likening it to “Shooting flies with a bazooka” have been voiced, and yet, statistics on the mortality due to prostate cancer tell a different story.

    In recent years the mortality rate in North America is down by 25%, and part of it is due to PSA. Currently there is no more effective testing in place, so the alternative is not attractive. It is like going back to the bad old times, where men where diagnosed only, once the prostate cancer was advanced, had formed metastases, and hopes for a cure were remote. There are promising new tests under development which at one point in time will replace the PSA, but for now it’s still the best test available. The only other way to find prostate cancer is by doing a biopsy.

    PSA Screening For Prostate Cancer Not Obsolete

    PSA Screening For Prostate Cancer Not Obsolete

    More info on prostate cancer prevention: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/prostate-cancer/prostate-cancer-prevention/

    Reference: National Review Of Medicine, December 15, 2004, page 22

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    Nuts To Bust Gallstones Says Harvard

    Gallbladder problems rank fairly high among health problems in Canada: nearly 20% of women and 10% of men harbor gallstones.  According to the Canadian Liver Foundation certain racial groups have an even higher incidence: in the aboriginal population between 70 and 80% are affected. Statistics in the US would be similar.
    Leaders in gallstone research at Harvard Medical School came up with new studies recently from the large scale Health Professional Follow-up and the Nurses Health study with respect to how eating habits influence the formation of gallstones.

    Dr. Chung-Jyi Tsai and colleagues examined the relationship between nut consumption and the risk of gallstone disease. Men who consumed about 5 oz of nuts per week had a significant decrease in gallstone development than those who ate less than 1 oz per month. Women fared similarly. The 20-year study involving 80,718 female nurses found that women who consumed at least 5 oz of nuts per week had a 25% lower risk of developing gallstones requiring gall bladder surgery than those who rarely ate nuts or nut butter. It turned out that not all nuts have equal benefits. Peanuts decreased the risk only by 19%, peanut butter consumption decreased the risk by 15%, whereas other nuts lowered the risk for gallstones by 35%. Nuts offer this prevention due to a combination of fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, as well as magnesium and beneficial plant chemicals. Fats as “the good guys” in gallstone prevention may sound like a novel idea, but there are differences in fats: it is the monounsaturated fats and the polyunsaturated fats that are the winners. They are the ones that are found in nuts or vegetables, but not in meat.

    Nuts To Bust Gallstones Says Harvard

    Nuts To Bust Gallstones Says Harvard

    The coauthor of the Harvard study, Dr. Edward Giovanucci, points out, that a diet that is high in saturated fat (the fat which prevails in meat products) and high in refined carbohydrates (bakery products, pasta, sugar) increases the risk of gallstones. It also depends on the dosage: those who consumed a diet high in insoluble fiber decreased the risk by 17%. So, what is the reason? Insoluble fiber acts like a broom that sweeps waste out of the intestinal tract faster than a diet that lacks fiber. It also reduces the bile acid secretion, increases insulin sensitivity and lowers triglycerides (harmful blood fat levels). The good news is, that you can get it all at a local supermarket. Nuts, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, whole grains like cracked wheat (as opposed to flour), beans, apples, berries and pears are all good and inexpensive sources.

    For more info on gallstones: http://nethealthbook.com/digestive-system-and-gastrointestinal-disorders/gallbladder-disease/cholelithiasis/

    Reference: National Review Of Medicine, November 30,2004, page 13

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    New Drug Zaps the Avian Flu


    Flu shots are considered the most useful precaution to control influenza, but a new drug zaps the avian flu, Tamiflu.  The avian influenza virus threatens commercial chicken flocks. This influenza type has the ability to infect humans as well; it has been a threat in Asian countries. Current influenza vaccinations do not provide immunity against the avian flu. The annual vaccination programs cannot possibly target all of the various types of influenza viruses.

    Tamiflu effective against influenza A, B and avian flu viruses

    British researchers have found that the neuraminidase inhibitor, which is effective against all subtypes of influenza A and B viruses, is also effective against avian influenza viruses. Senior scientist Shobana Balasingam from Queen Mary School of Medicine in London states that there is no current vaccine available should a pandemic influenza of the avian flu subtype H5N1 emerge.

    New Drug Zaps Avian Flu

    New Drug Zaps the Avian Flu

    Tamiflu works best, if the patient takes it 24 to 48 hours after influenza symptoms start.  In two placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trials 849 adult patients experienced a reduction of flu symptoms of 1.3 days. They started Tamiflu 40 hours after the beginning of flu symptoms. Patients took 75mg for 5 consecutive days. When another group started Tamiflu 24 hours after the onset of flu symptoms, the treatment outcome improved significantly. However, a higher dose of Tamiflu (150 mg twice per day) did not improve the treatment.

    Prevention of influenza with Tamiflu

    A clinical trial with 1559 non immunized adults showed an overall protection rate of 74% for all groups. There were some locations in Virginia where the infection rate was higher than in the rest of the US. Tamiflu achieved a protection rate of 82%. In cases where no vaccine is available against a new flu type, Tamiflu is a good alternative to protect the population against a new epidemic.


    The Medical Post, November 23, 2004, page 14


    Forget Glucosamine For Arthritis

    Glucosamine has been touted as an effective supplement for osteoarthritis, and the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada under the rheumatologist Dr. Jolanda Cibere at the University of British Columbia led a study to get solid data.

    Patients from the ages of 44 to 88 years from all over Canada who had used the supplement for an average of two years and stated that they had at least moderate improvent from knee joint pain were entered into a maintenance study. They received either a placebo (“fake” pills without glucosamine) or glucosamine for six months. During this time they were monitored for arthritic flare-ups including pain and reduced physical activity.

    The results were the following: 42% of the patients who were taking the placebo reported flare-ups of the arthritis problems, and 45% of the glucosamine users had flare-ups. The difference was not statistically different. The severity of arthritis had been the same in both the control group and the group that took glucosamine.
    This leads to the conclusion that continued use of glucosamine is of no benefit to a patient who hopes to improve knee osteoarthritis.

    Glucosamine And Fake Pills (Placebo) Equally Ineffective Against Arthritis As Shown By Study

    Forget Glucosamine For Arthritis

    Forget Glucosamine For Arthritis

    There is the question about the possibility of initial benefits, but it seems to be anecdotal rather than solid evidence, and there may be a placebo effect. Unfortunately the data did not support the notion that glucosamine supplements would give pain relief. It is really up to each individual to decide, whether to give glucosamine a try. Looking at the lack of results in long-term use it seems not warranted spending amounts of $15 to $50 per month for such an ineffective supplement.

    More info about osteoarthritis treatment: http://nethealthbook.com/arthritis/osteoarthritis/treatment-osteoarthritis/

    Comment: There are other studies that disagree with this study pointing out that glucosamine combined with chondroitin does help for osteoarthritis pain.

    Reference: The Medical Post, November 16, 2004, page 5

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    Alzheimers Now Detected Early

    A combined American and Swedish Research team has described the compound “Pittsburgh compound-C” (for short PIB), that glues itself onto amyloid plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’ patients. This gluey substance is responsible for the symptoms of dementia that plague the patients. These plaques can be detected by positron emission tomography, a test that is known as PET scan.
    This may sound very high tech, but the significance of this is great: it allows researchers to look how Alzheimers begins, shows the progression and also demonstrates how effective drugs are at slowing down or reversing the disease. Dr. Klunk and his colleagues who share the research, note that it is possible to identify patients at high risk of early onset as much as ten years before symptoms of the disease show up. This is now even more critical as several new treatments for Alzheimers are being tested. Also as future medicines become available that work by preventing amyloid deposition, these early testing methods will be of utmost importance.

    Reference: National Review Of Medicine, November 15,2004, page 15

    Alzheimers Now Detected Early

    Alzheimers Now Detected Early

    See also the following links regarding Alzheimers:

    1. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s: http://nethealthbook.com/neurology-neurological-disease/alzheimers-dementia-and-delirium/alzheimers-disease-diagnosis/

    2. Link About the Pittsburgh compound and PET scanning

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive

    Sexual dysfunction is often left untreated, as the topic may not be discussed at the doctor’s office. It can also be difficult to treat, since there can be physical or psychological reasons or a combination of both.

    Studies by California researchers now show, that patients who were taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) and stopped the pill show an increase of sexual function, more energy and fewer problems. Dr. Susan Sarajari from the Los Angeles Medical Center conducted this study and presented the results: About 15 % of women who take the birth control pill experience symptoms of sexual dysfunction from low libido, to low sexual arousal and vaginal dryness. Four weeks after discontinuing oral contraceptives, there was significant improvement. There was also a correlation between laboratory tests, which showed an increase in free testosterone after the pill had been discontinued. These findings are not entirely surprising, as it has been known for some time that androgens, or more specifically testosterone, increases sexual function in women.

    In the past hormonal contraception has been overlooked as a culprit in sexual dysfunction. This study will likely serve as a wake-up call.

    Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive

    Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive


    More info on BCP: http://nethealthbook.com/womens-health-gynecology-and-obstetrics/birth-control-options/contraception-birth-control-pill/

    Reference: The Medical Post, November 9, 2004, page30

    Last edited October 27, 2014


    New Remedy Zaps Colds

    A new cold remedy has been developed in Alberta, and researchers from the University of Alberta in Calgary have concluded, that it is definitely doing the job.
    Cold-FX is made of North American ginseng, and it cuts the chances of getting an upper respiratory tract infection (like coughs and sniffles) by 26 %. It cuts the chance of getting sick by 56 %. During a study, which has been released on October 5, 2004, 323 adults were tested. Researchers could also demonstrate that the disease fighting white blood cells and lymph cells increased in patients who took Cold-FX.

    This study was a randomized study and was quite elaborate in its design. Symptoms of colds were assessed with a scoring system and quatitated. Here is a link to the results published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ October 25, 2005 vol. 173 no. 9 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.1041470).
    This study comes in time for winter, which thanks to the new developments does not have to be the season to be sneezing…

    Reference: National Review of Medicine, October 15, 2004, page 7

    New Remedy Zaps Colds

    New Remedy Zaps Colds

    Last edited December 7, 2012


    Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

    Prevention has been gaining more momentum for public health as well as for the health conscious individual. Instead of looking at salvation from a slew of diseases like arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and the complications from diabetes in the form of super pills, prevention looks a lot more promising.
    Flax seed has been around for several thousand years, but it has been making a name for itself as part of healthy eating.

    Its most important components are its fiber content, the alpha-linoleic acid, and the lignans. Eating flax seed helps to mop up cholesterol in the bowel, and studies have shown a drop in the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. Duke University is publishing results that show flax seed to be helpful in blocking prostate cancer. A publication going back to August 2001 in the Archives of Ophthalmology point out the fact, that the omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in flax seed, reduce the risk of macular degeneration. The same omega-3 fatty acids also have a favorable influence in the glucose response after a meal, a fact that is important for the prevention of diabetes.

    It has to be mentioned at this point, that flax seed oil does not have all the benefits, as the fiber has been removed, and some of the benefits get lost as a result of the temperature used with processing. Also, just eating a spoon full of flax seeds will not be the answer, as flax seed is not fully used during digestion (the seeds are simply excreted in a bowel movement). To unlock the benefits it is best, to grind the seed.

    Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

    Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

    A coffee mill does the job well enough, and freshly ground seeds are better than the pre-ground variety that has been sitting around in the bin of a store for some time. Two teaspoons of ground flax seed mixed with some yogurt and fruit makes for a good starter in the morning or an easy evening snack. A slice of flax seed bread does not give you the benefits; remember that heat during cooking or baking destroys the key components.
    The nice part about flax seed is the fact, that it is inexpensive, plentiful, has no adverse side effects*, and it is the ounce of prevention which is readily available to you.

    More info on Omega-3: http://nethealthbook.com/news/inflammation-extinguished-omega-3/

    Reference: The Medical Post, October 12, 2004, page 13

    * Comments (added Aug.28, 2005): Despite the Duke University study cited above there are disturbing news from a 14 year follow-up prospective study that has been confirmed by other studies showing that there are side-effects. This study showed that in males there is a 2-fold risk of developing invasive prostate cancer when flax seed was the supplement used. As flax seed contains alpha-linolenic acid (=ALA) and fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic acid (=EPA), there are striking differences of action that have not yet been defined in more detail. The same study showed that over 14 years EPA (when mixed with DHA) lowered the risk of getting invasive prostate cancer by 26%. Until it is known more how flax seed works, it likely is wiser to to take a molecularly distilled EPA/DHA supplement daily as this also reduces the cardiovascular risk, but at the same time prevents cancer.

    Last edited October 27, 2014