• Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    A CNN review article noted that anti-inflammatory diets improve inflammation. This is important for medical conditions that also have inflammation attached to it. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or chronic kidney disease all carry inflammation with them. But according to a 2019 study more than 50% of … [Read More...]

  • Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    An article in the medical journal “Medical News Today” found that ultraprocessed food leads to premature aging. What are ultraprocessed foods? The NOVA Food Classification System explains what ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) are and what other ones are not. Examples of ultraprocessed foods are: fatty, sweet, savory … [Read More...]

  • Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Most people know about statins to treat high cholesterol, but they do not have vital information about cholesterol drugs. Recently an article appeared in CNN, which was very informative. In the following I will review what is new about cholesterol lowering drugs. PCSK9 inhibitors, which are monoclonal … [Read More...]

  • Common Chemicals Affecting your Health

    Common Chemicals Affecting your Health

    There are common chemicals affecting your health that have been known since the 1950’s. They have the name PFAS, which stands for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. There was a review article recently in CNN describing the complexity of PFAS, the toxicity, and what you can do to improve your risk. People … [Read More...]

  • Cardiovascular Risk Markers Predict Heart Attacks and Strokes

    Cardiovascular Risk Markers Predict Heart Attacks and Strokes

    An article in The New England Journal of Medicine stated that cardiovascular risk markers predict heart attacks and strokes. A summary of this study was also published by NBC News. 30-year follow-up of the Women’s Health Study This is based on a 30-year follow-up study of the Women’s Health Study. In the beginning … [Read More...]

  • Red Meat and Processed Meat Can Become a Cause of Diabetes

    Red Meat and Processed Meat Can Become a Cause of Diabetes

    A clinical study at the end of 2023 showed that red meat and processed meat can become a cause of diabetes. The authors published the results of this study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on December 2023. Results of the study Notably, the study consisted of several pooled studies. To emphasize, … [Read More...]


    Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

    Herbal remedies have stood the test of time, and today roughly 80% of the world’s population relies on traditional medicines for primary health care needs. Herbal remedies and their efficacy have been confirmed in research, but nevertheless caution is necessary.
    Not all herbal preparations are equal. Herb potency can differ due to growing and storage conditions. Toxic contaminants can be present in herbal preparations, and the best way to ensure a quality product is to purchase a product from a quality controlled source.

    Anybody using herbal products should bear in mind that “natural” does not mean “harmless”. Many plants like catnip, juniper, lobelia, jimson weed, wormwood and nutmeg can inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system significantly and cause severe hallucinogenic effects. Patients with allergies to asters, chrysanthemums and ragweed should avoid teas from goldenrod, marigold, yarrow, St. John’s Wort and chamomile, as there is the possibility of cross-reactivity. Comfrey, which is a commonly used folk remedy in Europe and North America, has been shown to contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which causes liver damage and cancer in animals and in humans.
    There is a common notion that herbal teas that are used as laxatives would be entirely safe. Unfortunately it is not as simple as that. The continued use of cathartics (herbs that are laxatives) can be dangerous, as they cause a dependency or the so-called lazybowel problem.
    If herbs are used it is important to be vigilant to negative interactions with medications. St. John’s Wort interferes with cyclosporin, digoxin, epileptic drugs and indinavir. Gingko should be used with caution by patients who are on warfarin (a blood thinner) because it can cause excessive bleeding. Deaths have been associated with the use of ephedra.
    It is also of importance that herbal remedies should not been taken during pregnancy, unless the safety of taking them has been assured. To get qualified information the consumer should beware of flashy headlines promising miracle cures and seek the advice from a licensed health professional who is properly trained in the prescription of herbs.

    Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

    Knowledge Needed For Herbal Remedies

    It is also of importance to mention the use of herbal medications along with other medications that are used in order to assure the therapeutic benefits for the patients who uses them.

    Reference: The Canadian Journal Of Diagnosis, January 2006,page 35 and 36

    Last edited December 6, 2012


    Cystic Fibrosis Patients Benefit From Inhalation

    Inhaling has been a humble home remedy for patients who were suffering of cough or nasal congestion and it has not made big headlines in medical treatments.
    Scientists from the University of Carolina and the University of Sidney have found, that there is more to old remedies than what meets the eye. In a collaborative study the researchers looked at 188 patients with cystic fibrosis (=CF) for a period of a year. The patients were given saltwater by aerosol to inhale. It turned out that this treatment keeps lung damage at bay. It appears to restore the very thin five to 10 micron layer of water that is missing from the lungs of CF patients, and it facilitates clearance of mucus . All it takes is a little water and ordinary NaCl (table salt). Patients must inhale this inexpensive saltwater solution for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily.

    This treatment does not constitute a cure of CF, but it s definitely enhancing the treatment and control of this disease.

    Cystic Fibrosis Patients Benefit From Inhalation

    Cystic Fibrosis Patients Benefit From Inhalation

    For more info on treatment of CF: Treatment of cystic fibrosis

    Reference: National Review Of Medicine, January 30,2006, page 5

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Dementia Prevented With Diet And Exercise

    According to an Australian review a low-fat diet along with physical and mental activity is the best way to avoid dementia late in life.
    The Australian team looked at numerous studies and concluded that many drugs and supplements promoted as treatments do not work. They did find that maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and an ideal body weight, staying physically and mentally active and consuming a low-fat diet reduces the risk of developing dementia. Dr. Michael Woodward, lead researcher of the report “Dementia: Can It Be Prevented?” states a very simple fact: any advice that is good for the heart is also good for the brain. A number of dietary supplements and medications have been suggested as being useful in the prevention of dementia, but none of them have been conclusive. One small study from Portugal suggested that even coffee could prevent dementia. It made headlines in the media, especially in the American press. However this was a small study involving only 54 people in Portugal. Another study a few years ago claimed that hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women reduced the risk of dementia. Again, this study got a lot of coverage. The study had a strong selection bias: these women were generally more health conscious, in better physical health and from a more socioeconomically privileged background.

    The results of this review are further confirmed by Australian and American researchers led by Dr. Ralph Martins of the Center for Aging and Alzheimer’s disease in Joondalup, Australia and Dr. Samuel Gandy of the Farber Institute of Neurosciences in Philadelphia. They found that overweight and obese people are having a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than normal weight individuals. Increased body mass index and higher levels of plasma amyloid-beta, which is a key substance in the development of Alzheimer’s, go hand in hand.

    Dementia Prevented With Diet And Exercise

    Dementia Prevented With Diet And Exercise

    Experts in the area of dementia caution that we cannot count on drugs and supplements, instead prevention is the key with dementia, which comes in the form of a healthy lifestyle.

    More info about:

    1. Research that has revealed a number of causes for Alzheimer’s disease: http://nethealthbook.com/neurology-neurological-disease/alzheimers-dementia-and-delirium/alzheimers-research/

    2. Fitness:  http://nethealthbook.com/health-nutrition-and-fitness/fitness/

    The Medical Post, January 24,2006,page 39.

    3. Blog showing that exercise delays onset of Alzheimer’s: https://www.askdrray.com/regular-exercise-will-delay-onset-of-alzheimers-or-dementia/

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Helps Body Image

    Plastic surgery in the vaginal area is not a new procedure. It has been performed for decades to help patients with medical conditions like urinary incontinence due to weak vaginal muscles or uterine prolapse.
    Recently female genital enhancement surgery has come into the forefront and as many as 15 purely cosmetic procedures are on the list at a Toronto-based clinic. Dr. Robert H. Stubbs has been pioneering in this particular area of plastic surgery. Women who lost a lot of weight frequently request pubic liposuction and reduction of the labia majora. Another procedure, vaginal tightening, involves stitching the muscles of the vaginal wall and creating a smaller circumference. Most of these surgeries are done in private clinics, which do not have to report to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. As a result no numbers are available, but these surgeries are definitely on the rise.
    Probably the most controversial procedure of them all is the hymenoplasty. Dr. Bruce Allen, who recently incorporated cosmetic genital procedures into his gynecology practice, reports, that there is not a large demand for them. However, women from certain cultures turn to the physicians for help. In some groups of Middle Eastern descent the loss of virginity is considered a disgrace, and as a result the young female may be shunned and maybe even killed. When desperate women turn to the specialist for protection, they need help. In a safe and simple half hour procedure the ends of the ruptured membrane can be stitched together or patched with tissue from the vaginal wall.
    Some flashy advertising for a Los Angeles based clinic promises good sex. What those billboards don’t tell is the fact that no scientific proof exists that any of these surgeries actually enhance sexual pleasure. Nevertheless patients have cited a better sex life as a very common bonus. The reason is the fact, that the patient is more comfortable with her body. Patients with relationship problems due to self-consciousness about the genital appearance will experience a sense of emotional relief as soon as the procedure is over.

    Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Helps Body Image

    Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Helps Body Image

    Dr. Stubbs also noted, that vaginal enhancement procedures are no different from any other type of cosmetic surgery. It is the job of the specialist to explain the risks, after which the woman can make an informed decision.

    More information about pelvic floor laxity leading to anterior or posterior repairs including hysterectomies: http://nethealthbook.com/gynecology-obstetrics/ 

    Reference: National Review Of Medicine, January 30, 2006, Pages 1 and 5

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

    Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the more frequent reasons for loss of vision in the ageing population. The disease is also the most prevalent reason for blindness in developed countries.
    A group of researchers from the Netherlands made it their mandate to investigate, in which proportion antioxidants were useful in the prevention of AMD. Supplementation with vitamins C, D and E was used and also beta-carotene and zinc. The observations were made using questionnaires from the Rotterdam Study (1990-1993).

    The group on which the research concentrated consisted of inhabitants 55 years of age or older living in a middle class suburb of Rotterdam. Of 5836 at the baseline with a risk of AMD 4765 had reliable data of their dietary habits. At the end of the study 4170 participated in the follow up.
    Dietary intake of vitamin E and zinc was inversely associated with the development of AMD: the group with an intake of vitamin E and zinc had less macular degeneration than those whose diet was deficient. A higher than median intake of all the four nutrients, vitamin E, zinc, vitamin C and beta-carotene showed even more benefit. The risk to develop macular degeneration was reduced by an impressive 31 %.

    Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

    Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

    These results are of importance to the ageing population and the elderly. A high dietary intake of the four nutrients is important in the risk reduction of age related eye diseases like AMD.

    Reference: JAMA. 2005; 294:3101-3107; Vol. 294, No. 24, December 28, 2005

    Last edited December 6, 2012


    Chronic Pain A Cancer Risk

    Chronic pain can be an undermining force in people’s well being. Often it is more perceived as a nuisance or an inconvenience. How serious it really is as a health risk, has been emerging only in more recent observations.
    Two well designed, population based studies in the UK are showing that there is an increased risk in people with chronic pain to die prematurely or to develop cancer.
    In a study by J. Mc Farlane, MD individuals with chronic back pain or patients suffering of fibromyalgia show an increased risk for premature death and cancer. Often pain sufferers have not only one pain condition but also multiple ones. Mc Farlane quoted an excess risk of 30% for premature mortality in pain patients. At the same time he states that the risk is “relatively modest”. Another study noted that patients who suffered of widespread pain over a 10-year period had a 50% increased risk of developing cancer than those who were pain free at the baseline. Statistically it means that 2.5% of patients with widespread pain over a time of 10 years will develop cancer, which remains a small percentage.
    The author notes that there is no reason to feel overly threatened by these results. More research will tell more. For the practical application the results point to the need for effective treatment and pain control before chronic pain patterns become detrimental to the patient’s health.

    Chronic Pain A Cancer Risk

    Chronic Pain A Cancer Risk

    More information on:

    Pain can affect many areas:  http://nethealthbook.com/neurology-neurological-disease/pain/

    Cancer risks: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/overview/epidemiology-cancer-origin-reason-cancer/

    Reference: The Back Letter, December 2005,Vol.20, Nr.12, page 139

    Comment on Nov. 11, 2012: Chronic pain can indicate that the patient may be hormone deficient. When hormones are tested, some patients may be hypothyroid, others may lack steroid hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone or DHEA as is normal with the aging process. In these cases often restoration of the hormone balance with bio-identical hormones can treat the pain condition successfully and can prevent cancer by restoring normal immune function.

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Lubricants May Suppress Fertility

    Surprising results from a prospective controlled study of vaginal lubricants were presented at a meeting of the American Society For Reproductive Medicine and the Canadian Fertility And Andrology Society in Montreal.
    Four products, FemGlide, Replens, Astroglide and Pre-Seed have been routinely recommended to couples that are trying to get pregnant. Dr. Ashok Agarwal and colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio took a closer look at the effects of the four products and their influence on donor sperm. It turned out, that FemGlide, Replens and Astroglide all reduced the sperm motility and integrity. When mixed in vitro (in a test tube) quality and movement of the sperm showed a sharp decline. Activity in untreated sperm amounted to 66%. A presence of only 10% Astroglide led to a rock bottom 2% mobility. The other product, Pre-Seed, did not slow the sperm down.
    A second test measured DNA damage in sperm that had been exposed to lubricant solution for four hours. Again, only Pre-Seed had the lowest impact. It showed 7% more chromatin damage than untreated sperm. KY had 10% more damage and FemGlide showed 15% of damaged sperm.

    Lubricants May Suppress Fertility

    Lubricants May Suppress Fertility

    The researchers caution that problem lubricants are likely to cause additional hurdles for couples struggling with infertility, as chances for fertilization decrease with certain lubricants.

    More information on infertility: http://nethealthbook.com/womens-health-gynecology-and-obstetrics/infertility-php/

    Reference: Parkhurst Exchange, page 31,Vol.14, Nr.1 January 2006

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Using Cell Phone Not Causing Brain Cancer

    Of all the common brain tumors in adults, gliomas are the most common cancers. The prognosis for patients who are diagnosed with this type of brain cancer is extremely poor. Researchers are still attempting to pinpoint the reasons why these tumors are starting to grow, as they have a very distinct formation of cells and seem to be different from other brain tumors.
    In the recent past, a lot of attention has been focused on the aspect of mobile telephones and a possible risk of gliomas and other brain tumors associated with their use. The energy of the radio frequency fields emitted by cell phones is thought to be insufficient to cause DNA damage to brain cells that lead to the formation of cancer cells.
    Epidemiologists have done studies on users of mobile telephones and have not generally reported an increased brain cancer risk in overall or long-term use. Individual studies have found positive associations between high-grade astrocytoma (glioma) and phone use, brain tumor and phone use in rural areas and use of analogue mobile phones.
    A large population based case-control study of 966 patients with glioma in the United Kingdom was designed to investigate cell phone use and the risk of brain tumors. It was part of the Interphone project, which is an international collaboration of 13 countries that concerns itself with the risks of cell phone use and tumors. The south east of England as well as four areas to the north and southern Scotland was the area studied with a total catchment, which amounts to 48.3% if the UK population of 28.4 million. Cases with intercranial tumors were ascertained from various sources, hospital departments (neurology and others) as well as cancer registries. The study was introduced as one to examine risks factors for brain cancers without stressing cell phone use. During the interview those who were mobile phone users were asked detailed questions on cell phone use, which included the recording of all makes and models of phone. Regular phone use was defined as a period of at least six months in the time frame of more than a year before the patient had been diagnosed with glioma.

    Using Cell Phone Not Causing Brain Cancer

    Using Cell Phone Not Causing Brain Cancer

    When all the data had been evaluated, there was no association of risk with lifetime years of use, cumulative use or cumulative hours. There was also no association with cell phone use in urban or rural areas and high or low-grade gliomas. The use of analogue phones was also scrutinized and there were no significant odds ratios with any exposure.
    This study has nearly twice as many cases as the previously largest study on glioma patients and the use of mobile phones. In addition it has a large amount of comprehensive and relevant collection data. The results are also consistent with findings from investigations of mobile phone use in the US, Denmark and Sweden. Overall there are no substantially raised risks of of glioma in the 10 years after first mobile phone use. Only future studies will be able to address longer latency periods.

    More information on brain cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/brain-cancer/

    Reference: Brit. Med. Journal (doi: 10.1136/bmj.38720.687975.55; published January 20, 2006)

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Herpes Medication Successful In Mononucleosis

    Infectious mononucleosis is a common infectious disease that affects teenagers and young adults. The nickname “Kissing Disease” sounds rather funny, but getting sick with mononucleosis- and the affected persons may not have been kissed at all! – is no fun. The virus can leave the patient unwell and lethargic for several weeks. Missing study hours or being unable to work can be a bad set back.

    There is no vaccination against the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the culprit in mononucleosis, and as it is the case with viral illnesses, antibiotics are of no use. The approach so far has been the treatment of symptoms: take over-the counter medicine to bring down a high temperature, drink fluids, use an over-the counter remedy to help against a sore throat and rest. In time mononucleosis would resolve.

    Dr. Henry Balfour, who is a herpes specialist at the University of Minnesota, investigated the antiviral drug acylovir (Valtrex) as an intervention for documented Epstein-Barr infections. Students who presented with symptoms of Mononucleosis within 7 days of onset were receiving 3g of valacylovir per day for 2 weeks. Samples of saliva showed a two-fold decrease of the virus load in 8 out of 10 patients. Only one student who had been untreated showed the same result. This effect points to the possibility of reducing or eliminating oral virus transmission by administering Valtrex. The other effect was a decrease in the severity of the illness. The group on medication got better faster. Dr. Balfour pointed out that the current study does have some limitations, due to the small number of participants.

    Herpes Medication Successful In Mononucleosis

    Herpes Medication Successful In Mononucleosis

    He hopes to study the effect of another antiviral agent, valganciclovir (Valcyte) that has a longer intracellular half-life and for this reason should be even more effective.

    More information on infectious mononucleosis: http://nethealthbook.com/ear-nose-and-throat-diseases-otolaryngology-ent/throat-problems/infectious-mononucleosis/

    Reference: The Medical Post, page 1, 61, January 10, 2006

    Last edited October 30, 2014


    Combination Of Drugs Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Several treatment options have become available to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, but side effects can be a problem. Corticosteroids are still needed, and methotrexate has been added. While anti-tumor-necrosis factor therapy (TNF alpha antibody) is a very beneficial form of treatment, there are patients who fail to respond or have toxicity to these therapy forms.
    Dr. Stanley Cohen, a clinical professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas investigated 520 patients who had not adequately responded to methotrexate and anti-TNF therapy. The patients received the genetically engineered monoclonal antibody, rituximab (Rituxan), which so far has been used to treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It was found to be highly effective for active rheumatoid arthritis when given with methorexate in patients who experienced an inadequate response to anti-TNF therapies.
    The patients were randomly selected and received either a single dose of 1000mg rituximab or placebo on days one and fifteen. All patients received a corticosteroid prior to the infusion. They also took a short course of oral corticosteroids between the two injections. For the patients on rituxmab, the medication proved beneficial. It was also well tolerated. Statistically 51% of the patients on rituximab had at least a 20% improvement on the swollen and painful joints and at least 20% improvement in 3 to 5 other criteria, like general well being, disability or laboratory tests of C-reactive protein.
    Only 18% of the placebo group showed any improvement. It was also noted that the effects of this one-time treatment could last up to 15 months.
    As good as the current medication is, there are treatment failures. Dr. David Karp, chief of Rheumatic diseases at the same university but not involved with this study finds the development very valuable.

    Combination Of Drugs Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Combination Of Drugs Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

    He concludes that it becomes important in this area to personalize the treatment plan. The future is to look at the patients’ blood or gene makeup and prescribe specific therapies directed at their particular problem.

    More information regarding treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: http://nethealthbook.com/arthritis/rheumatoid-arthritis/treatment-rheumatoid-arthritis/

    Reference: The Medical Post, December 20, 2005, page 33

    Last edited October 30, 2014