• Immunotherapy for Cancer

    Immunotherapy for Cancer

    Dr. Joseph Maroon discussed immunotherapy for cancer at the Anti-Aging Conference in Las Vegas, which I attended. He was one of the keynote speakers Dec. 14, 2024. He was a neurosurgeon in the past and has given many lectures at these yearly Anti-Aging Conferences before. The full title of his presentation was … [Read More...]

  • Treatment of Hormone Deficiencies with Bioidentical Hormones

    Treatment of Hormone Deficiencies with Bioidentical Hormones

    Dr. Thierry Hertoghe discussed treatment of hormone deficiencies with bioidentical hormones at the Anti-Aging Conference in Las Vegas, which I attended. He was one of the keynote speakers Dec. 13, 2024. He is a well-known endocrinologist from Brussels/Belgium and has given many lectures at these yearly Anti-Aging … [Read More...]

  • Menopause Revisited

    Menopause Revisited

    At the 32nd Anti-aging Conference in Las Vegas menopause was reviewed, which I call “menopause revisited”. The presenter was Dr. Sara Gottfried who is the director of Precision Medicine. She is also affiliated with the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, … [Read More...]

  • Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    Anti-Inflammatory Diets Improve Inflammation

    A CNN review article noted that anti-inflammatory diets improve inflammation. This is important for medical conditions that also have inflammation attached to it. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or chronic kidney disease all carry inflammation with them. But according to a 2019 study more than 50% of … [Read More...]

  • Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    Ultraprocessed Food Leads to Premature Aging

    An article in the medical journal “Medical News Today” found that ultraprocessed food leads to premature aging. What are ultraprocessed foods? The NOVA Food Classification System explains what ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) are and what other ones are not. Examples of ultraprocessed foods are: fatty, sweet, savory … [Read More...]

  • Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Vital Information about Cholesterol Drugs

    Most people know about statins to treat high cholesterol, but they do not have vital information about cholesterol drugs. Recently an article appeared in CNN, which was very informative. In the following I will review what is new about cholesterol lowering drugs. PCSK9 inhibitors, which are monoclonal … [Read More...]


    Hormone Dependency of Prostate Cancer

    In this month’s Lancet Oncology Manit Arya et al. have reviewed the research and clinical achievements of Harvard Medical School trained Charles Huggins. This Canadian-born American surgeon won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1966 for his outstanding research on treatment of prostate cancer. Here are the key findings of a publication in 1941 by Huggins and Hodges: 1. Prostate cancer is a cancer that is hormone controlled 2. Prostate cancer that has spread to other organs can be inhibited in growth by removal of testosterone production (surgical removal of testicles or orchiectomy) or by treating with female hormones (estrogens). 3. Prostate cancer that has spread to other organs is made to grow faster, if testosterone is injected. The authors of this review pointed out that despite hundreds of further research papers these “original studies have withstood the test of time”.

    Hormone Dependency of Prostate Cancer

    Low testosterone causes prostate cancer

    Estrogen treatment has caused cardiovascular and thromboembolic complications, which resulted in cessation of this treatment modality. Newer studies attempted to improve prostate cancer survival with synthetic luteinising-hormone-releasing-hormone (LHRH) agonists and various antiandrogens, but nothing compares to the survival success of a simple orchiectomy. The authors concluded that Huggins and Hodges have provided an “epic work”, which will stand out from the myriad of publications in science for “years to come”.

    Manit Arya, Dr, FRCS, Iqbal S Shergill, FRCS, Philippe Grange, MD, Mark Emberton, FRCS , The Lancet Oncology – Volume 9, Issue 11 (November 2008)

    Comment on Nov. 18, 2012: Unfortunately this type of research has confused the treatment of prostate cancer for decades. I have explained this in detail under this link: http://www.nethealthbook.com/articles/cancer_prostatecancer.php#introduction  It turns out that the precise opposite is true: The aging male who is most prone to develop prostate cancer needs testosterone replacement, as prostate enlargement and prostate cancer is due to a LACK of testosterone, which causes estrogen dominance.  This hormone scenario takes place in the aging male, if not corrected! This type of patient would need an understanding urologist as explained under the link above. Unfortunately many physicians, including famous ones are slow to adapt to new knowledge from their peers (in this case Harvard trained Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, an urologist who is cited under the above mentioned link).

    Last updated December 3, 2012


    Early Childhood Weight Gain Leads To Weight Problems in Teens

    A Finnish Study enrolled 541 children in a prevention trial at the age of 7 months. The same children were seen again at the age of 13 years. Every year the height and weight were measured. By the time the children were 13 years old, 16% were classified as overweight, based on body mass index determinations. For girls, there was an abnormally high weight gain (2.8 to 7.5 kg annually) from the 3rd to 4th year until the 12th year of age while normal weight kids gained only 2.1 to 4.8 kg annually. Boys showed no difference in weight gain pattern until the age of 5 years or older. Now the boys who developed an overweight pattern showed an increase from 3.5 to 7.9 kg annually while normal weight boys gained only from 2.6 to 5.5 kg annually. With respect to the body mass index the upper limit of a normal was exceeded for girls at the age of 5 years and for boys at the age of 8 years. Another important finding of the study was that the parents of the overweight adolescents were also overweight while the parents of normal weight adolescents were also within the range of a normal body mass index.

    Early Childhood Weight Gain Leads To Weight Problems in Teens

    Overweight child turns into overweight teen

    Two major risks of developing overweight and later obesity were found: overweight parents and abnormally high weight gain in early childhood (ages 2 to 4). The investigators concluded that treatment for developing overweight problems in childhood needs to be addressed at this age, not later when it is much more difficult to treat.

    More information about health for children: http://nethealthbook.com/news/health-children/

    Lack of B vitamins in children predicts obesity: http://nethealthbook.com/news/lack-b-vitamins-children-predicts-obesity/

    Pediatrics. 2008;122:e876-e883

    Last updated November 6. 2014


    A Study About Parents’ Concerns Regarding Childhood Vaccinations

    In the October issue of the medical journal Pediatrics researchers published a study where 3,924 parents had been interviewed in a National Immunization Survey. 28% of the parents either delayed the vaccination because of concerns or refused vaccination of their child altogether. A multivariate analysis was performed that shed more light on this. There was a probability of about 2.35-fold (compared to parents who had no concerns) that one of the following factors was responsible for this: parents who would delay a vaccination had on average 2 or more children (4.3-fold more likely to delay than parents with one child) and unmarried mothers also were more likely to delay (probability 2.14-fold). Parents had a probability of 2.68-fold to refuse a vaccination when the child was 25 to 35 months old when compared to those with a child younger than this. The varicella vaccine, which is a live attenuated vaccine, was mostly the reason given when parents were unsure as to whether to give permission for vaccination or when they refused to give consent.

    In contrast, reasons for delays of vaccination were that the child was ill and the vaccination was given at a later date when the child had recovered. The reason that parents decided not to delay or not to decline vaccination was that they discussed their concerns with the health care provider and they felt now informed and assured that vaccination was the right thing to do. The authors felt that the study emphasized how important it is to inform the parents of the science behind vaccinations.

    A Study About Parents’ Concerns Regarding Childhood Vaccinations

    A Study About Parents’ Concerns Regarding Childhood Vaccinations

    Comments: The study did not review the fears of mercury poisoning with the preservative thimerosal, which is still contained in the vaccines of many countries and has been shown to be particularly devastating in autistic children and children with learning disabilities.

    Pediatrics. 2008;122:718-725

    Last updated December 18, 2014


    Concerns Over Bisphenol A Bottles

    Early in 2008 polycarbonate bottles containing bisphenol A (BPA) have been deemed “toxic” under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The compound was first identified by researchers that autoclaved (heat sterilized) their polycarbonate flasks. They were studying the growth of breast cancer cells and found that the chemical which was identified from the flasks promoted growth of breast cancer cells. No human research was involved, and the data come from tests in animal research. Nevertheless BPA is an “endocrine disruptor”, that mimics the action of estrogen, reports Dr.Rebecca Sherlock, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of British Columbia. The question that remained was the leaching of the substance into food. As an experiment, bottles with the content of BPA were subjected to conditions that simulate household use. They were run through regular household dishwashers, but they also were subjected to the use of industrial dishwashers that have higher temperatures. Also the bottles were subjected to scrubbing with steel wool. Dr. Sherlock reported that the final result is that there is leaching of the substance into foods. None of the studies showed that the quantity of BPA is higher than the acceptable daily intake limit set in the U.S.A. and in Europe.

    Concerns Over Bisphenol A Bottles

    Concerns Over Bisphenol A Bottles

    There are animal results that there may be some health effects, especially in the brain, the prostate and other endocrine tissues. Due to these results the federal Health Minister has proposed a ban on manufacture, import, and sale of baby bottles. Newborn babies and infants may be more sensitive to the effects of the chemical. A lot of controversy has surrounded the polycarbonate bottles containing bisphenol A.
    In August the FDA has declared them “safe’, but by September a report from the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences cited once again “some concern”. There are potential effects on the behavior, brain and prostate gland in fetuses, infants and children at the current exposure level.

    More information about toxins in the environment: https://www.askdrray.com/protecting-yourself-from-environmental-toxins/

    85th Annual Conference of The Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) in Victoria/BC as reported by The Medical Post, Sept. 16, 2008, p. 14

    Last edited November 6, 2014


    Melamine In Milk Products

    The news has been reporting about contaminated baby formula that has its origin in China. The offensive substance is melamine, which is widely used in the manufacturing of plastics and paints. The industrial chemical most definitely has no place in human foods, as the ingested substance leads to kidney stones and kidney damage, which can ultimately be fatal. The number of sick infants has been on the increase, and numerous deaths have now been reported. Initially melamine was found only in baby formula which was produced by the state owned Sanlu Group, but as more products have been scrutinized, the offending substance has been found in 22 out of China’s 109 dairy manufacturers’ brands. While Sanlu seems to be the worst offender in this contamination spree, the list also included the two other largest manufacturers-the Yili Industrial Group that was one of the sponsors of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Hong Kong Mengniu Dairy.
    While there has been a recall of the products on September 11, this has not been early enough. The Sanlu board of directors was first advised as early as August 2 that there was a problem with contamination of infant formula. It may seem to the consumer in other parts of the world that the contamination scandal is strictly the business of China, but in a global market this vision may be short-sighted. A vast amount of products in the global market have their origin in China.

    Melamine In Milk Products

    Melamine In Milk Products

    The infant formula has been exported to African countries, to Indonesia and to India. Import stores on other continents carry products that are purchased by customers who remember the product from China. The melamine contamination seems not to be confined to infant formula only: there have been product recalls on yogurt drinks and candy, in which melamine laced milk powder has been used. There may be import bans in place to protect consumers, but ultimately the “buyer beware” warning is still as valid as ever. Consumers must read labels carefully to check the origin of a food product. It may be packaged by a local company, but the small print states that it is imported. If in doubt, ask questions about the origin of food.

    Reference: BMJ 2008;337:a1738

    Last edited December 3, 2012


    Go Easy On Tempra And Tylenol In Young Kids

    With cold and flu season around the corner, the medicine shelf will fill up with remedies that provide symptomatic relief for those who caught a bug. Children who have an elevated temperature will very likely receive over the counter medication such as Tempra drops or Tylenol for children. These preparations have been around for decades, and parents are usually confident that they are harmless.
    A Lancet article points out that there are certain risks associated with them, and the most sensitive age group are the youngest children. A study documented that the mother’s use of paracetamol (identical to acetaminophen or Tylenol) during pregnancy can be associated with the development of asthma in 6 to 7 year old children. More recently 205,487 children in the age group of 6 to 7 were included in a survey. The children were from 73 centers in 31 countries. In the analysis of data the use of paracetamol in the first year of life was checked against the risk of asthma symptoms once the children were 6 to seven years old. Paracetamol use in the first year of life also played a role in the increased risk of rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema.

    Go Easy On Tempra And Tylenol In Young Kids

    Go Easy On Tempra And Tylenol In Young Kids

    With these results, parents should resort to the children’s’ Tylenol and Tempra drops only, if fairly aggressive intervention is necessary. Too often over the counter meds are used “just in case he or she is coming down with something”. Symptomatic home remedies in children such as lukewarm baths to bring down an elevated temperature, cool fluids bring relief, and ice packs still have their place in the control of mild febrile symptoms.

    The Lancet 2008; 372:1039-1048

    Last edited December 3, 2012


    Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

    Generally it is assumed that persons in their thirties and forties should be in their prime, and health concerns are cropping up in the higher middle age or only in old age.
    Also, women were thought to generally enjoy better health and life expectancy, but the large Nurses’ Health Study on 77,782 women in the age group of 34 to 59 years shows other aspects.
    Even in females who had no heart problems and no cancer at the onset of the study, lifestyle choices can make it or break it. At the end of the study that spanned 24 years, it became obvious that a total of 28% of all the mortalities could be attributed to smoking. If risky lifestyle choices were combined in the form of smoking, being overweight, having a lack of physical activity and a qualitatively poor diet, this number jumped to 55%. Alcohol intake did not change this estimate significantly.

    Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

    Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

    It is obvious that for the benefit of better health and less mortality in middle age women, diet, exercise, a healthy body weight and eradicating smoking are key factors.

    Reference: BMJ 2008;337:a1440

    Comment on Nov. 18, 2012: So how many years longer will a woman live, if she quits at age 30? The Million Women Study found out that she will live 10 years longer than the control group of smoking women (see link). Nothing has changed since 2008. Lifestyle issues remain at the forefront.

    Last edited December 3, 2012


    Overuse Of Tanning Can Point to Addiction

    The use of indoor tanning facilities and tanning beds has become popular over the years. Many individuals use tanning in preparation for a vacation in sunny climates, but an overwhelming number flocks to tanning booths in order to preserve this summer tan. Despite all cautioning from dermatologists, tanning salons have their steady clientele. While the occasional use may be no reason for alarm, steady usage sheds a different light on the”artifical sun”.
    Tanning dependence has been found to be common in young adults, as a survey of 400 college student revealed. The behavior can be predicted by certain demographic and behavioral variables. Initially the motivation for tanning is the enhancement of appearance, but often those who use tanning facilities frequently report that it contributes to enhance their mood and help with relaxation and socializing. There was also a disregard for warnings about health risks of the practice. Dr. Carolyn Heckman, PhD of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Cheltenham,Pa. and her colleagues reported that these behaviors are commonly reported by individuals with other types of dependencies. In this respect excessive use of tanning has similarities to other behavioral disorders such as obsessive compulsive behavior and eating disorders, which has given it the nickname “tanorexia”.

    Overuse Of Tanning Can Point to Addiction

    Overuse Of Tanning Can Point to Addiction

    The population profile showed that most of the tanning dependent individuals were female, and the highest group was white with a medium skin type, as opposed to fair and darker skinned individuals. Those who were doing the most sunbathing in summer and had the highest rates of sunburn also were the most tanning dependent. They were also the ones who used the least amount of sun protection. Smokers had the highest level of tanning dependence, whereas obese individuals had the lowest one. The highest proportion showed up in the female population. Males did not seem to be that interested in tanning.
    The research is relevant for health professionals when it comes to teaching patients about skin cancer prevention and education about sun protection. It also points to possible relationships to other addictive disorders.

    More information about skin cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/skin-cancer/

    References: 1. http://www.skincancer.org/content/view/317/78/ 2. Am. J. Health Behav. 2008;32:451-64

    Last edited November 5, 2014


    Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

    Roy Morgan Research Company and Gallup International have released an opinion poll study at the recent International Union Against Cancer’s World Cancer Congress in Geneva (August 27 to 31, 2008) that reveals significant differences among low-income countries and high-income countries. Cancer of the liver and other cancers can be caused by alcohol and throat and lung cancer as well as others are caused by carcinogens from cigarette smoking. These are medical facts that have been well established. But the opinion poll showed that there is ignorance and confusion in the public both in poor and wealthy nations. For instance in high-income countries 42% felt that there was no cancer risk from drinking alcohol and 8% were unsure, in low-income countries 15% were of the opinion that alcohol was not a cancer risk and 29% were unable to say. Other differences were that 62% of people in wealthier nations believed that cancer was one of the three top health issues in the country, while only 36% of people in poorer nations believed this. On the other hand with so much information about pollution in the press 76% to 78% of people living in middle and high income countries are of the opinion that this is an important cause of cancer while only 30% believe this in the poorer countries. The reality is that smoking and drinking of alcohol are more important in terms of cancer causation than pollution is.

    Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

    Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

    David Hill, president-elect of the International Union Against Cancer, said that these opinion polls reveal data about attitudes and believes previously unknown. This kind of data can be used to formulate programs for cancer prevention so that the public is accurately informed about cancer facts and they learn in rich and poor countries alike that factors like smoking, drinking alcohol and a high body mass index are more significant cancer causes than pollution. Pollution is more difficult to control by the individual, but these life style factors can be modified, and people need to be empowered to make the right choices. People have the power to stop smoking, to cut down their alcohol consumption and to increase their exercise, which helps them to shed pounds.

    More information about causes of cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/overview/epidemiology-cancer-origin-reason-cancer/

    International Union Against Cancer’s World Cancer Congress in Geneva (August 27 to 31, 2008)

    Last edited November 3, 2014


    Ayurvedic Medicines Sold On Internet Can Contain Toxic Metals

    In the wake of recalls on prescription drugs that showed hazardous side effects, many consumers seek alternatives. Often Ayurvedic medicine is seen as a less hazardous alternative, and medications are ordered on the internet or purchased in stores. There may be the notion that products that are manufactured in the US may be subject to stricter controls than imported items. All these assumptions leave the consumer confused as what to believe or trust. Investigators have tried to shed some more light on Ayurvedic medications. Six hundred and seventy three oral products were identified and random samplings of 230 products were purchased. Under the lead author Robert B. Saper of Boston University School of Medicine a technique called fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to examine the products for the presence of toxic metals. Of 193 products that were tested, 20.7% showed noticeable concentrations of toxic metals. Of those products that showed contamination 21.7% were US made and 19.5% were manufactured in India.The highest concentrations- namely 40.6%-were found in rasa shastra products, as compared to 17.1 % for non-rasa shastra products. The most prevailing contaminants were lead and mercury. Of these contaminated medicines 95% were sold by US websites, and shockingly 75% of the sites claimed “Good Manufacturing Products”.

    Ayurvedic Medicines Sold On Internet Can Contain Toxic Metals

    Ayurvedic Medicines Sold On Internet Can Contain Toxic Metals

    All of the toxic metal levels exceeded standards for acceptable daily intake. Ayurvedic medicines are widely used in India and in other parts of the world. There are previous reports describing lead poisoning caused by these types of medicines. In rasa shastra products herbs are combined with metals such as lead, mercury, iron or zinc. Often mineral gems are also part of the compound. In view of the heavy metal levels the researchers suggest third party testing of the product and government-mandated daily dose limits.

    More information on heavy metal poisoning:

    1. From pollution: https://www.askdrray.com/protecting-yourself-from-environmental-toxins/

    2. From cosmetics: https://www.askdrray.com/lead-still-poisoning-us/

    Reference: JAMA. 2008;300:915-923

    Last edited November 5, 2014