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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD
**Closure of my websites askdrray.com and nethealthbook.com**

These websites will be taken down on **April 30, 2025** and no further updates will be provided.
I hope you enjoyed the content of these websites. You can continue to read Dr. Schilling’s blogs which I publish daily on Quora

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On Quora you can also write comments that I will answer.

Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD

Melamine In Milk Products

The news has been reporting about contaminated baby formula that has its origin in China. The offensive substance is melamine, which is widely used in the manufacturing of plastics and paints. The industrial chemical most definitely has no place in human foods, as the ingested substance leads to kidney stones and kidney damage, which can ultimately be fatal. The number of sick infants has been on the increase, and numerous deaths have now been reported. Initially melamine was found only in baby formula which was produced by the state owned Sanlu Group, but as more products have been scrutinized, the offending substance has been found in 22 out of China’s 109 dairy manufacturers’ brands. While Sanlu seems to be the worst offender in this contamination spree, the list also included the two other largest manufacturers-the Yili Industrial Group that was one of the sponsors of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Hong Kong Mengniu Dairy.
While there has been a recall of the products on September 11, this has not been early enough. The Sanlu board of directors was first advised as early as August 2 that there was a problem with contamination of infant formula. It may seem to the consumer in other parts of the world that the contamination scandal is strictly the business of China, but in a global market this vision may be short-sighted. A vast amount of products in the global market have their origin in China.

Melamine In Milk Products

Melamine In Milk Products

The infant formula has been exported to African countries, to Indonesia and to India. Import stores on other continents carry products that are purchased by customers who remember the product from China. The melamine contamination seems not to be confined to infant formula only: there have been product recalls on yogurt drinks and candy, in which melamine laced milk powder has been used. There may be import bans in place to protect consumers, but ultimately the “buyer beware” warning is still as valid as ever. Consumers must read labels carefully to check the origin of a food product. It may be packaged by a local company, but the small print states that it is imported. If in doubt, ask questions about the origin of food.

Reference: BMJ 2008;337:a1738

Last edited December 3, 2012


Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

Generally it is assumed that persons in their thirties and forties should be in their prime, and health concerns are cropping up in the higher middle age or only in old age.
Also, women were thought to generally enjoy better health and life expectancy, but the large Nurses’ Health Study on 77,782 women in the age group of 34 to 59 years shows other aspects.
Even in females who had no heart problems and no cancer at the onset of the study, lifestyle choices can make it or break it. At the end of the study that spanned 24 years, it became obvious that a total of 28% of all the mortalities could be attributed to smoking. If risky lifestyle choices were combined in the form of smoking, being overweight, having a lack of physical activity and a qualitatively poor diet, this number jumped to 55%. Alcohol intake did not change this estimate significantly.

Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

Lifestyle Can Be A Killer For Middle Age Women

It is obvious that for the benefit of better health and less mortality in middle age women, diet, exercise, a healthy body weight and eradicating smoking are key factors.

Reference: BMJ 2008;337:a1440

Comment on Nov. 18, 2012: So how many years longer will a woman live, if she quits at age 30? The Million Women Study found out that she will live 10 years longer than the control group of smoking women (see link). Nothing has changed since 2008. Lifestyle issues remain at the forefront.

Last edited December 3, 2012


Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

Roy Morgan Research Company and Gallup International have released an opinion poll study at the recent International Union Against Cancer’s World Cancer Congress in Geneva (August 27 to 31, 2008) that reveals significant differences among low-income countries and high-income countries. Cancer of the liver and other cancers can be caused by alcohol and throat and lung cancer as well as others are caused by carcinogens from cigarette smoking. These are medical facts that have been well established. But the opinion poll showed that there is ignorance and confusion in the public both in poor and wealthy nations. For instance in high-income countries 42% felt that there was no cancer risk from drinking alcohol and 8% were unsure, in low-income countries 15% were of the opinion that alcohol was not a cancer risk and 29% were unable to say. Other differences were that 62% of people in wealthier nations believed that cancer was one of the three top health issues in the country, while only 36% of people in poorer nations believed this. On the other hand with so much information about pollution in the press 76% to 78% of people living in middle and high income countries are of the opinion that this is an important cause of cancer while only 30% believe this in the poorer countries. The reality is that smoking and drinking of alcohol are more important in terms of cancer causation than pollution is.

Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

Survey Shows People Underestimate Lifestyle Factors As Cancer Causes

David Hill, president-elect of the International Union Against Cancer, said that these opinion polls reveal data about attitudes and believes previously unknown. This kind of data can be used to formulate programs for cancer prevention so that the public is accurately informed about cancer facts and they learn in rich and poor countries alike that factors like smoking, drinking alcohol and a high body mass index are more significant cancer causes than pollution. Pollution is more difficult to control by the individual, but these life style factors can be modified, and people need to be empowered to make the right choices. People have the power to stop smoking, to cut down their alcohol consumption and to increase their exercise, which helps them to shed pounds.

More information about causes of cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/overview/epidemiology-cancer-origin-reason-cancer/

International Union Against Cancer’s World Cancer Congress in Geneva (August 27 to 31, 2008)

Last edited November 3, 2014


Runners Live Healthier Lives

It has been known for some time that exercise is healthy for you. But how do runners do on the long-term? This has been investigated in a recent study spanning 21 years from 1984 to 2003 published in the August edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine. 538 members 50 years or older of a nationwide running club were compared to a sample of 423 healthy controls. In the beginning of the study the members (all males) were 50 years or older. Disability levels were assessed with a health questionnaire and classified into a scale from 0 (no disability) to 3 (unable to perform). Death rates were also determined.The results showed that disability scores were always lower in runners (0.17) than in controls that did not run (0.36), which translated into 39% less disability. In 2003 the death rate was 34% in the controls, but only 15% in the runner group, in other words a 38% better survival of runners compared to the controls. In 2005 a further follow-up showed that the survival curve was still increasing for the runners who had now entered their eighties.

Runners Live Healthier Lives

Runners Live Healthier Lives

The authors of this study pointed out that length of life, health status and disability status can all be significantly improved with regular moderate exercise such as running. Other studies have suggested this as well, but none has followed this up over such a long period (21 years). Increasing healthy lifestyle behaviors will also reduce health care costs and prevent disabilities from chronic diseases.

Choose your fitness activity as reviewed here: http://nethealthbook.com/health-nutrition-and-fitness/fitness/

Reference: Arch Intern Med. 2008;168:1638-1646

Last edited November 5, 2014


Iron Intake Lowers Blood Pressure Readings

Various possibilities exist to lower blood pressure. Reducing the intake of sodium is one effective way, exercising is also of importance. Detailed studies on various population groups have shown that the consumption of red meat has a direct relationship to blood pressure readings: a 102.6 gram in 24 hours increase in the consumption of red meat was related to an increase of 1.25 mmHg in blood pressure readings. The numbers may sound small and insignificant, but the fact remains that population groups, such as the Japanese, who traditionally consume little or no red meat have lower blood pressure readings.

Red meat is considered a valuable iron source, but the intake of iron containing foods (such as red meat) from animal sources is linked to higher blood pressure readings, based on the “International Collaborative Study on Macro-/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure” (=INTERMAP).

Iron Intake Lowers Blood Pressure Readings

Iron Intake Lowers Blood Pressure Readings

Current INTERMAP results suggest that the intake of non-heme iron, which is from non-animal sources has a blood pressure lowering effect. Further investigations are needed to detail these findings and to find out more about the reasons of the blood pressure increasing, respectively decreasing effect of iron from animal sources and iron from plant sources.

More information about high blood pressure: http://nethealthbook.com/cardiovascular-disease/high-blood-pressure-hypertension/

Reference: BMJ 2008;337:

Last edited November 4, 2014


Dietary Habits Help For Clear Skin

Acne can be a bothersome skin condition that is not only a source of embarrassment to adolescents but it can plague adults as well. A lot of foods have been associated with the annoying “zits” from chocolates to French fries or junk food. More research has come up in recent years, and some new facts have emerged. Clement Adebamowo of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston studied 4,000 teenage boys and found a significant association between the intake of skim milk and the development of acne. There are numerous explanations for the dairy-acne connection. According to US doctors Alan Logan and Valori Treloar there are at least 4 precursors of the “acne hormone” dehydroepiandrosterone in milk from pregnant cows. Even though milk has a low glycemic index research has substantiated that milk based foods increase levels of insulin. Insulin in turn seems to be one of the major players when it comes to skin fat production (sebum). This leads to the blockage of skin follicles and the development of blackheads and acne. Lacks of dietary oxidants are also putting fuel on the fire of acne. Acne sufferers demonstrate lower antioxidant blood levels and as a result there is no ammunition to fight the skin inflammation of acne. Other foods contributing to this problem are omega-6 rich oils (sunflower, safflower and soybean).

Dietary Habits Help For Clear Skin

Dietary Habits Help For Clear Skin

Strong allies to fight the inflammatory process of acne are foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel or sardines. The intake of fruit and vegetables is beneficial (acne sufferers generally eat fewer fruits and vegetables than those who have a clear skin.) A trial by Robyn Smith of RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia showed that acne patients who were instructed to consume a low glycemic diet high in protein had significantly less acne lesions that their counterparts. This dietary approach reduces androgen levels. Beside a dietary approach there is still the need for dermatological input. Using both avenues acne sufferers will reap the most benefits.

More information about acne vulgaris: http://nethealthbook.com/dermatology-skin-disease/acne-vulgaris/

The Medical Post, June 24, 2008, page 19

Last edited November 4, 2014


Positives And Negatives Of Folate

Ten years ago folate became the hero among the food additives. The decision was made to make it mandatory to enrich flour, pasta and other foods with folate with the goal to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in newborns. Folate also was a valuable as a prenatal supplement. A study which involved seven provinces of Canada which was published in July 2007 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the supplementation has been a success in this respect, as neural tube defects had been reduced by 46 %. Folate also seems to have been of benefit in the reduction of strokes, as it has the propensity to lower blood homocysteine concentrations. In the meantime not all seems to be well, as there is a darker side to folate. Already decades ago studies warned that folic acid given to leukemia patients hastened the progression of the disease. In a publication of the American Medical Association results from a polyp prevention study were written up. The vitamin was associated with a higher rate of advanced adenomas (tumors of the colon). These findings cannot be easily ignored. On the one hand about 1,500 children are saved from a devastating birth defect; on the other hand the number of colon cancer cases increases by 15,000 per year. At this point there is no suggestion in Canada or in the US to abandon the food fortification with folate. In the U.K. the implementation of folate fortification has been delayed till more research is available.

Positives And Negatives Of Folate

As food supplementation with folate may be higher than necessary, it seems wise to exercise a measure of caution. Women with a family history of colonic polyps should be advised to take the minimum folic acid dose in their prenatal supplementation. As far as male patients are concerned doctors should excise caution before they advise patients that are over 40 about the perceived benefits of vitamin supplementation. Any of the perceived benefits ought to clearly outweigh the potential risky side effects, which is not only true for any medication but also for any vitamin supplement.

Reference: The Medical Post, July 8, 2008, page 1 and 23

Last edited December 4, 2012

Incoming search terms:


Lead Poisoning Down, But Watch For Mercury

The devastating results of lead poisoning in children have put consumers on alert. Lead in paint and in the glaze of ceramic products has gone unrecognized until the 1970’s. Since then stricter regulations have reduced or eliminated lead from paint products in North America. The additional move to unleaded gasoline has contributed to successful lead reduction. Consumers, however, should not let down their guard and be aware of the fact that there are still possibilities of lead exposure. Sources can be manifold. While most of lead exposure domes from old lead paint that was applied decades ago, especially in older homes, some exposure can come from imported toys, which just recently made headlines in the news. Some exposure can also come from medications and “nutritional products” imported from overseas. Imported cookware and other products have also been a significant source of lead contamination. The general awareness has paid off, as there is a significant reduction of lead levels since the ‘70’s. Public health warnings have been issued about mercury levels in fish, and this has led to concerns in consumer groups whether it is safe at all to consume fish. Blowing the warning whistle alone does not do a service to consumers. It is much more important to inform consumers to recognize, which of the fish species are averaging less than one tenth of Canada’s commercial mercury limit if 0.5 parts per million.

Lead Poisoning Down, But Watch For Mercury

Lead Poisoning Down, But Watch For Mercury

Dr. Copes, director of environmental health at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control explained at a recent meeting that salmon, rainbow trout and tilapia fall into this group of fish that can be enjoyed more frequently, whereas other species, such as halibut, tuna and sablefish have levels of mercury that are five to ten times higher. They are still under the commercial limit, but it means that the consumer could enjoy 10 meals of salmon as opposed to one meal of halibut, tuna or sable fish. The recommendation is not total avoidance, but less frequent consumption.

Reference: The Medical Post, July 22, 2008, page 17

Comment on Nov. 17, 2012: The oceans are continuing to deteriorate with regard to mercury content. It is no longer safe to eat halibut, tuna or sable fish. Salmon, rainbow trout and tilapia should be limited to perhaps once per week. Avoid salmon that has migrated past Japan because of radioactive contamination of the coast region there (due to the earth quake in March 2011, the devastating tsunami and subsequent radiation crisis from the nuclear plant).

More information about toxins in the environment: https://www.askdrray.com/protecting-yourself-from-environmental-toxins/

Last edited November 4, 2014


Genetic Difference Influences Sweet Tooth

Environmental factors and ethnic customs can influence us to have certain likes and dislikes of foods, but researcher Ahmed El-Sohemy has found in his studies that there is also a biological and genetic basis for some of our food preferences. Researchers from the University of Toronto have discovered a genetic difference in people who consume extra sugar in their diet. The specific genetic constellation which the researchers have called GLUT2 does not only work in the pancreas, but it also is responsible for turning on satiety signals in the brain. It seems to have an impaired ability to notice high blood sugar levels that ultimately send “stop eating” signals to the brain. The habit to eat more sweets has been researched in persons with diabetes, but Dr. El-Sohemy does not believe that diabetes is directly connected with gene GLUT2. On the other hand he does not suggest that the presence of the gene should be an excuse to overindulge in sugar high foods. He states that food habits in humans are often connected to the availability of foods: if there is a birthday party and birthday cake, the people with a liking of sweets will be the first to get a slice of cake. On the other hand, if there are no sweets available, they will not make an extra trip to the store just for a piece of cake. The most logical approach is to minimize the availability of foods that are high in sugar, which is especially important for individuals who have GLUT2, the ”sweet tooth gene”, so they are not tempted to overindulge.

Genetic Difference Influences Sweet Tooth

Genetic Difference Influences Sweet Tooth

Much was learnt from two separate studies that involved 100 older adults on the one hand who were overweight or obese and 587 healthy younger adults who were mostly lean. Foods and beverages that were consumed were carefully recorded. In both investigations blood was drawn for DNA analysis and the presence or absence of the variation of the GLUT2 gene was compared to the food intake data. The older obese group with the variant gene consumed 112 grams of sugar per day versus 86 Grams per day for the non-variant gene group (normal control). The younger population carrying the variant gene consumed 131 Grams of sugar per day, while the non-variant control of young people consumed 115 Grams of sugar per day. This illustrates how genetic influences have an effect on our eating habits and also that younger people ought to be careful that they do not overuse sugar containing foods.

It also points to the solution of controlling your weight, if you belong to the higher risk group with the GLUT2 gene: you must exercise more to burn up the extra calories you tend to eat. A brisk walk on a treadmill will consume about 300 or 350 Cal in 30 minutes depending on the slope and the miles per hour setting.

Reference: Medical Post Vol 44, No. 16, June 16, 2008: page 19 (based on May issue of Physiological Genomics)

Last edited December 4, 2012


Have A Cup Of Coffee And Decrease Your Death Risk

Coffee can be good for you, and this is one of the items, which even tastes good! There are some exceptions as discussed in previous articles: more than 2 cups per day can increase the risk for miscarriages in pregnant women. People who are anxious or nervous can find that coffee will aggravate anxiety. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should also not indulge in the flavorful brew.

Aside from these exceptions researchers have found that coffee consumption can be beneficial. A recent study using the data from 41,736 male and 86,214 female subjects has evaluated data over a follow- up time of 18 years in the male group and 24 years in the female group. The risk of all-cause mortality decreased significantly with increasing coffee consumption in the male as well as in the female group.

Men had a relative risk reduction of 20% as compared to their counterparts with the lowest level of coffee consumption. Women with intermediate to high consumption had a relative risk reduction of 10% to 30 % as compared to the group that drank less than 1 cup of coffee per day.

Have A Cup Of Coffee And Decrease Your Death Risk

Have A Cup Of Coffee And Decrease Your Death Risk

The limit of the study in this case was the self-reported nature of coffee consumption, but the researchers feel that the modest benefit of reduction of all-cause and CVD death warrants further investigation.

Reference: June 17, 2008 Annals of Internal Medicine

Last edited December 4, 2012