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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD
**Closure of my websites askdrray.com and nethealthbook.com**

These websites will be taken down on **April 30, 2025** and no further updates will be provided.
I hope you enjoyed the content of these websites. You can continue to read Dr. Schilling’s blogs which I publish daily on Quora

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On Quora you can also write comments that I will answer.

Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD

Environmental Toxins Harmful For Generations To Come

It is a known fact that exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy can cause birth defects.
Investigators at the Center For Reproductive Biology of the University of Washington in Seattle examined the consequences of environmental toxins, which are also known as endocrine disruptors in their research. Dr. Michael K. Skinner led the study. The research team worked with rats, and they noticed that it was not only the first generation that was affected, but the effect persisted for as many as four generations later The substance they used in the experiment was either vinclozolin, an antiandrogenic compound commonly used as a pesticide in vineyards or methoxychlor, an estrogenic DDT replacement. Both pesticides are endocrine disruptors, as they interfere with the normal functioning of reproductive hormones. It was no surprise that ninety percent of male offspring that had been born to the exposed females had low sperm counts and reduced fertility.
The unexpected result showed up in the next generation. If these offspring were mated to unexposed females, they still had low sperm counts and reduced fertility. The effect persisted-completely unexpectedly- through all generations tested without further pesticide exposure. The researchers concluded that the toxins affected inheritance by altering patterns of DNA in the germ line. Genetic changes that are passed on for generations to come might play a role in more frequently occurring diseases such as breast cancer and prostate disease, as they may not be caused by genetic mutations.

Environmental Toxins Harmful For Generations To Come

Environmental Toxins Harmful For Generations To Come

This is also the first report that shows the menacing ability of an environmental factor to reprogram the germ line and promote a transgenerational disease pattern.

More information on environmental toxins: https://www.askdrray.com/protecting-yourself-from-environmental-toxins/

Reference: Parkhurst Exchange Volume 13,Number 6, August 2005, page 33

Last edited October 29, 2014


No Relationship Between Allergies And Cancer

Two opposite opinions have been voiced. There is the sinister threat that people who are prone to allergies are also at risk for coming down with cancer, because their immune system is constantly in overdrive. The opposite rumoring has also been heard: people with an overactive immune system and allergies have a built-in protection against cancer, because their immune system is in a constant state of vigilance.
Researchers from the Karolinska Hospital and Institute in Sweden made a point to examine these opposed hypotheses in a study that involved 70,136 patients between the years 1988 and 2000.

All these patients were tested for allergic disease and the results were linked with data from the Swedish Cancer Registry. The total number of cancers found was what could be expected in the general population. In addition this large epidemiological study performed specific analysis for cancer of the lung, the cervix cancer, cancer of the pancreas as well as lymphoma and skin cancers. The findings demonstrated that none of these cancers were independently related to allergies.

No Relationship Between Allergies And Cancer

No Relationship Between Allergies And Cancer

Dr. B. Lindelöf and his research team concluded: “Our study did not support the reported decreased risk of cancer in allergic patients, nor did it support an increased risk.”

More info available for:

Allergies (allergic rhinitis): http://nethealthbook.com/ear-nose-and-throat-diseases-otolaryngology-ent/nose-problems/allergic-rhinitis/

Cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/overview/

Reference: Allergy 2005; 60: 1116-1120

Last edited October 29, 2014


Father’s Age Important For Healthy Children

So far the risk for birth defects has been associated with the age of the mother: women over 35 run a higher risk of having a child with a genetic abnormality or birth defects than younger moms. Nothing much was said about the age of the father.
An epidemiological study by Dr. Mark Walker at the Obstetrics, Maternal And Newborn Investigation (OMNI) Research Group in Ottawa took a closer look at 24,916 infants with birth defects. The incidence of birth defects was broken down by paternal age in five-year increments, after considering and adjusting for other risk factors like maternal smoking, maternal age, alcohol consumption and prenatal care.
It turns out that the age of the father is of importance: the lowest incidence was among infants fathered by men of the age group of 25 to 29 years.

Father's Age Important For Healthy Children

Father’s Age Important For Healthy Children

The risk for birth defect increased with each subsequent paternal age group. Risk was highest where the fathers were age 50 or older.

More on birth defect (chromosomal abnormalities): http://nethealthbook.com/chromosomal-abnormalities-2/

Reference: The Medical Post, August 9, 2005, page 17

Last edited October 29, 2014


Tooth Implants For Better Health

Missing teeth are often just ignored -why bother? There are still all the others around to assume the necessary functions! The truth is different: missing teeth can affect us in the way we eat, speak, rest, and appear. They can influence our behavior and overall functioning. A missing tooth can also compromise the dental health of its neighbor.
In the past the only options for missing teeth was either dental bridges or dentures. Bridges and dentures still have their place now, but the benefits for dental implants are significant.
-They help to preserve remaining natural bone structure.
-They reduce the need to cut out adjacent teeth for a bridge.
-They eliminate the need for removable partials or dentures and the sores that may go along with them.
-The roof of the mouth does not need to be covered by removable partials or complete dentures.
-They look, feel and work just like natural teeth.
-They support face shape, smile and provide confidence when eating and speaking.
-A few exceptions apply: people who smoke and people who have diabetes, particularly when uncontrolled and severe, have much less success with implants, as healing is impaired. However, you may consider quitting smoking and diabetes may be able to be controlled better with the help of a specialist. Other patients who have pacemakers, artificial heart valve replacements or other implanted devices may have to stay away from implants and they may have to stick to more conventional methods such as bridges and dentures.
The dentist will do a thorough examination to decide, whether you are a candidate for dental implants. Each tooth will be examined and a medical and dental history will be taken. Special x-rays (panoramic and tomograms) are needed to determine whether there is enough bone available. This helps to decide whether the implants can be placed directly, or whether grafting more bone will be necessary. This step is very important. It also helps the dentist to identify important structures, like nerves, sinuses and adjacent tooth roots. You will discuss all the treatment options with your dentist, which also helps to clarify expectations about the final results. This comprehensive treatment plan can be compared to building the foundation of a house. The foundation has to be solid, so the final structure holds up. A properly done dental implant should be a one-time job.

Tooth Implants For Better Health

Tooth Implants For Better Health

The procedure itself is done in the dental office or in a surgical suite under a local anesthetic, and over-the-counter pain medication may be needed after the surgery. The time it takes to heal can be variable. It may take up to six months, but it is important that healthy bone develop around your implant, which is the strong bond that is needed to hold the implant in place. Once the healing is complete, your dentist takes a final impression, which is needed by the dental laboratory to create the permanent teeth.
Once the permanent teeth are placed you will receive care and a dental hygienist will instruct you in dental hygiene. Special plastic cleaning instruments are used to avoid scratching the titanium surface of the implant. Just as with natural teeth, implant-retained teeth need to be cleaned daily and need to be regularly checked by a dentist.
Looking at the overall picture it is clear, that the dental health and function of our teeth closely relates to every facet of our overall health, from speech to the function of our digestive tract and proper nutritional status, which affects cardiovascular health as well. A tooth implant involves a lot of detail work and effort, but its benefits are far reaching.

Reference: Family Health, Vol. 21, No.2, Summer 2005 (June), page 9-13; published by The College of Family Physicians of Canada

Other links re dental implants:

Association of Prosthodontists of Canada

American College of Prosthodontists

Last edited December 7, 2012


Acetaminophen And Pets Aggravate Asthma

People with respiratory problems should be cautious in their use of acetaminophen. These are the results of a large cross-sectional study from Great Britain. In the latest piece of mounting evidence British researchers pointed out that people who take acetaminophen regularly are at a higher risk of developing asthma. There are new indications that the drug may worsen respiratory disease and is also linked to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
The study used previously collected data from nearly 13,500 people and was published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care. It demonstrated that daily users of acetaminophen are more likely to report asthma (odds ratio=1.81) and COPD (odds ratio=1.94) than patients who say that they never used acetaminophen. The study also investigated the relationship between respiratory illness and ASA as well as ibuprofen. Neither of the two seemed to be significantly related to the incidence of respiratory illness. The team of authors led by Dr. Tricia McKeever of the University of Nottingham did spirometry (lung function tests) and found that daily acetaminophen users had an impaired lung function of a 54 ml lower forced expiratory volume per second (FEV1). Ibuprofen users taking the medication between 1 and 5 times a month showed improvement of a 20 ml increase in FEV1. The benefit did not appear in non-users and those who took the medication on a daily basis.

Acetaminophen And Pets Aggravate Asthma

Acetaminophen And Pets Aggravate Asthma

The researchers strongly recommend that patients with respiratory disease should consult with a physician and consider carefully, whether or not to take acetaminophen.
Helping asthmatics to breathe easier has also been the subject of Japanese research. In a small prospective study Japanese researchers compared the need for inhaled corticosteroids between two groups of patients with allergic asthma. One group found new homes for the pets they were allergic to; the other opted to keep the animal at home. At the end of the 15-month average follow-up none of those who removed the pet were taking daily corticosteroids. Opposed to the first group, all but one of the patients who continued to live with their cat, dog, hamster or ferret were on daily corticosteroid treatment ranging from 200 mcg to 1600 mcg per day. Many asthma patients with animal allergies refuse to part with furry friends, but those who can fare better with less medication.

More info on asthma: http://nethealthbook.com/lung-disease/asthma-introduction/

Reference: The Medical Post, May 31, 2005, page 49 and 50

Last edited October 28, 2014


Power Lines And Childhood Leukemia

High voltage power lines have come under scrutiny in the past, and researchers have examined health risks, especially the cancer risk. Several reports exist that either contradict or support that the magnetic fields associated with power lines can cause cancer. There have been publications that pointed out a link to childhood leukemia, and new research has re-examined the link between childhood leukemia and high voltage power lines.
Under the leadership of Dr. Gerald J. Draper from the University of Oxford new studies have been made available and published in the British Medical Journal. The researchers examined the population living within 1 km from 275 to 400 kV power lines. Dr. Draper’s group found no association between the distance from power lines and the overall incidence of cancer.

One finding however was different: children who lived within 200 m of high voltage power lines had a relative risk for leukemia of 1.69-fold as compared to those who lived 600 m away, who had no elevated risk. The relative risk for those living 200 to 600 m away from the lines was still elevated at 1.23-fold (where 1-fold is no risk). The research group points out that the increased risk cannot only be explained by the presence of magnetic fields, and some of the reasons are at this point unknown. Dr. Heather O. Dickinson from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne writes in an accompanying editorial that the magnetic fields surrounding the power lines amount to “about 1% of the earth’s magnetic field, which affects all of us at all times.”

Power Lines And Childhood Leukemia

Power Lines And Childhood Leukemia

According to Dr. Draper’s research there are only 5 cases of childhood leukemia per year associated with the presence of power lines, and researchers agree that there is a link, however it remains a weak one.

More information about leukemia: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/leukemia/leukemia-acute-leukemia/childhood-leukemia/

Reference: BMJ 2005:330:1279-1280,1290-1293

Last edited October 28, 2014


Mixing Medications With Herbs Spells Trouble

It is generally accepted that prescription medications may have side effects, and there is also the belief that herbal medicines are more desirable, as they cannot possibly have dangerous side effects.
An anonymous survey of rheumatology patients in the United Kingdom shed some light into the use of over-the-counter herbal remedies: nearly half of the patients (40%) had used herbal remedies in the past six month in the hope of enhancing their health. Trouble started for one in ten patients who took an herbal remedy that could negatively interfere with their traditional medicines. Dr. Wendy Holden of the Nuffield Orthopedic Center in Oxford, the author of this study, reported that the risk is especially high for rheumatology patients who take anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with herbs. The traditional medicines do have a risk for gastrointestinal bleeding, however the additions of herbs like ginkgo biloba, ginger, devil’s claw and even garlic can increase the anticoagulant effect and bleeding may be the consequence. Some patients who reported the use of Echinacea were increasing the risk of a liver disease. Of those patients who took a potentially harmful treatment combination 92% were unaware of the risk. Less than half had mentioned to their physicians that they used herbal medications in combination with their prescription medications.

Mixing Medications With Herbs Spells Trouble

Mixing Medications With Herbs Spells Trouble

Herbal medicines are powerful and their effects and side effects have to be taken into consideration. It is important for the patient to mention every medication, even the seemingly harmless over-the-counter herbal remedies, to the treating physician, as the mix may be not a winning combination, but one that is hazardous.

Reference: The Medical Post, May 10, 2005, page 8

Last edited December 12, 2012


Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Omega-3 fish oil has been recognized to have significant benefits for healthy blood vessels and heart health. Ideally fish, which is rich in omega-3 fats, should be eaten several times per week, and salmon, mackerel or sardines are excellent choices. Some individuals are not fond of these choices and do not get enough of omega-3 fats. There is still the alternative to take fish oil. Most people would cringe at the idea of swallowing a spoonful of cod liver oil, but fish oil, which can be taken encased in a gelatin capsule is no longer a “yuck” experience.
It is certainly worthwhile to take a closer look at omega-3 fish oil, as new research from Adelaide, Australia has come into the forefront, associating fish oil with health benefits. Dr. Peter Howe, PhD from the South Australian University’s School of Health Sciences supervised research on patients with metabolic syndrome. They were overweight, had high blood pressure, a high insulin level and high blood fat or triglyceride levels. The patients participated in a 12-week program, which not only included moderate aerobic exercise three times per week, but also the intake of fish oil or sunflower oil. A control group received sunflower oil combined with exercise. The difference was quite significant: those on a regimen of exercise and fish oil supplementation lost more body fat mass than those who were using sunflower oil and adhered to an exercise program.
Exercise alone and fish oil alone did not produce these effects. It was the combination that made the difference! The researchers state that omega-3 fatty acids cause a switch to enzymes that burn fat, but exercise is the driver, which increases the metabolic rate, so fat loss becomes possible. It was also found that the winning combination of fish oil and exercise promoted a decrease in blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Dr. Howe noted that not only did it reduce body fat (weight loss mostly noticeable in the abdominal area), but also it was beneficial to the patients’ general health. It is the protective effect of omega-3 fish oil on blood vessels, which is making them more elastic and more efficient in transporting nutrients to the muscles.

More information of good and bad fatty acids: http://nethealthbook.com/health-nutrition-and-fitness/nutrition/fat-good-bad-fatty-acids/

Reference: The Medical Post, May 3, 2005, page 15

Last edited October 28, 2014


Burgers, Fries and High Healthcare Costs

“Everything in moderation” and “A little bit cannot harm” are the deceptively soothing terms that can lull consumers into the belief, that fast foods cannot be so bad after all. A study, called the” Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults” however gives us the facts, that paint a more realistic picture: the “little bit” actually has fairly serious consequences!
In this U.S. study a wide cross section of young adults were followed in four U.S centers: Birmingham, Ala., Chicago, Minneapolis and Oakland Calif. 3031 people in the age of 18 to 30 years were recruited in 1985 and followed until 2001.

Lifestyle habits, such as smoking, watching TV and intake of other foods were recorded, and insulin resistance was measured. In addition there were detailed studies of weight, height, waist size and other body measurements. Some interesting facts emerged: women ate fast foods less frequently than men. Fast food intake was associated with lower education, more TV watching, lower physical activity, high intake of trans fats and alcohol intake. In short: fast foods and other unhealthy lifestyle choices were correlated.

Dr. Mark Pereira, PhD of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, who is one of the authors of the study, points out that it is extremely difficult to eat in a healthy way in a fast foods restaurant. The menus still include foods high in fat, sugar and calories and low in fiber and nutrients. Dr. Arne Astrup from the RVA University in Copenhagen found the same issues: besides the fact that serving sizes have increased two to five fold over the past fifty years, the energy density is twice as high in fast foods as compared to food in healthy diets. Dr. Astrup also points out in his publication, that humans have only a weak innate ability to recognize foods with high energy density and then down-regulate the amount eaten to meet and not exceed energy requirements.

Burgers, Fries and High Healthcare Costs

Burgers, Fries and High Healthcare Costs

If a person ate more than 2 fast food meals per week, which would be a modest increase of the control group that ate less than 1 fast food meal per week, the 2 meals per week group was about 5 kg heavier after 15 years, as opposed to 11 kg in the control group. The insulin resistance increased by an alarming 230 %. This finding is of significance, as insulin resistance (=metabolic syndrome) promotes the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and cancer, especially breast and colorectal cancers. The data are showing that even a modest increase has a unique effect in increasing the risks for these disease patterns, and the message is, that health care costs will only come down, if the root cause of disease is attacked at the societal and lifestyle level.

More information about the metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance): http://nethealthbook.com/hormones/metabolic-syndrome/

Reference: The Medical Post, March 8, 2005, page 20

Last edited October 28, 2014


Magnetic Therapy For Depression

Depression is a psychiatric condition, which is experienced by a lot of people. It is more than just a transient feeling of the “blues”. Depression can be a chronic and disabling disease, and in severe cases there is the risk of suicide. Great advances have been made from removing the social stigma from psychiatric illness, and cognitive therapy and effective medications can help most the patients to lead full and productive lives.
For a few patients however, depression can be drug-resistant and as a result, effective therapy will be much more difficult.
According to research by Dr. Gary Hasey at Mc Master University in Hamilton, Canada, magnets may have a future role in the treatment of mood disorders. TMS (standing for transcranial magnetic stimulation) has shown promising results in the treatment of some types of depression. A so far unpublished study found that 27% of 50 patients with drug -resistant depression achieved full response with TMS.

Simulated treatment in a control group did not produce this result in any of the patients. MRI scans have shown that depressed people have below-average brain activity in the frontal cortex of the brain. A magnetic field, which is created by passing an electric current through a hand-held magnetic coil, is aimed at the patient’s pre-frontal cortex, which stimulates the brain activity in this area. This treatment is vastly different from the well-known electro-shock treatment (ECT), where the patient needs sedation and close observation in a hospital setting. Contrary to this, TMS can be done without sedation.

Magnetic Therapy For Depression

Magnetic Therapy For Depression

The patient is conscious and can resume his normal activities after the treatment. The therapy was first discovered in the 1980’s, but a lot of research had been necessary before treatment could be made available. Other trials are also running in Great Britain, and promising results have been published in the medical paper “The Lancet”. Dr. Hasey cautions that there are still some details that have to be worked out. In the meantime Health Canada has approved TMS as treatment for drug-resistant depression.

More information about depression: http://nethealthbook.com/mental-illness-mental-disorders/mood-disorders/depression/

Reference: The Medical Post, February 1,2005, page 28

Last edited October 27, 2014

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